How To Avoid A Pet Poisoning
Pets are naturally curious creatures. They can’t resist toppling over the trash can or rooting through your backpack to search for tasty treats. The habit can lead to illness or even death if your cat or dog consumes poisonous or toxic food or chemicals. Fortunately, keeping your pet safe from accidental poisoning can be as…
Does My Cat Love Me?
Cats have an undeserved reputation as cool, aloof creatures. Although it’s certainly true that cats aren’t quite as demonstrative as dogs, felines do show affection in subtle ways. Cheek rubs, head butts, vocalizations, and other behaviors let you know how much your cat cares about you.
Your New Year’s Diet Could Be Deadly To Your Pet – Xylitol Toxicity In Dogs
Could Your New Year’s Diet Be Deadly for Your Pet? If you’re planning to lose weight in the new year, you’re not alone. In fact, “diet to lose weight” was one of the top five resolutions when Vitagene surveyed Americans about the content of their New Year’s resolutions. Replacing sugar with an artificial sweetener offers…
How To Care For Your New Pet
Caring For New Family Pets During the New Year Have you recently added a pet to your family? These tips will help you keep your new friend happy and healthy during the coming year and beyond. Say No to Plastic Inexpensive plastic food and water dishes are durable and may seem like a good choice…